Numerical Methods for Non-smooth Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
PhD projectThe Riemannnian LTMADS to solve the Spectral Procrustes problem in Manopt.jl
master thesis The code of this thesis was the basis for the Mesh adaptive direct search solver variant LTMADS, available within Manopt.jl.The Hypergraph p-Laplace for Manifold-valued Data and its Application in Machine-Learning
master thesisC. von Tychowicz, and M. HanikThe Interior Point Newton Method for Constrained Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
master thesis The code of this thesis was the main basis for The Interior Point Newton Method including its Conjugate Residual sub solver, both available within Manopt.jl.Regression of Time Series Data on Manifolds
master thesisD. Huybrechs, and B. Owren This thesis started during an exchange stay and is a master thesis at KU LeuvenAdaptive Regularization with Cubics
master thesis The code of this thesis is the Lanczos sub solver variant of and the ARC solver available within Manopt.jl.Multivariate Periodic Wavelets on the Pattern
master thesisThe nearest -stable matrix via Riemannian Optimization
master thesisR. Zimmermann This thesis was conducted at SDU Odense. Sebastian was staying at NTNU for two weeks to conduct his numerical experiments in Julia.Constraint Optimization on Manifolds
master thesisR. Herzog The code of this thesis was the main basis for The Augmented Lagrangian Method and The Exact Penalty Method available within Manopt.jl.The Riemannian Frank-Wolfe Algorithm
master thesis The code of this thesis was the basis for The Frank-Wolfe Algorithm available within Manopt.jl.Support Vector Machines on Riemannian Manifolds
master thesis This thesis was awarded the NR Prisen for the best master thesis in mathematics at NTNU within the study year 2021/2022.The Chambolle-Pock Algorithm for Geometry Labeling and Segmentation based on the Normal Vector Field
master thesisR. HerzogGeodätische Regression auf Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Nebenbedingungen
master thesisR. HerzogVariational Models and Primal-Dual Algorithms for Manifold-Valued Image Restoration
master thesisG. SteidlAnalysis of Local Anisotropies and Denoising of -Valued Data
master thesisG. SteidlRiemannian center of mass on Kendall's shape space
bachelor thesisConstrained optimization on Riemannian manifolds using geodesic polygonal sets
bachelor thesisR. HerzogThe Riemannian BFGS Method and its Implementation in Julia
bachelor thesisR. Herzog The code is available at within Manopt.jl, see Riemannian quasi Newton Methods.Regularized Clustering of Manifold-Valued Data
bachelor thesisR. Herzog-TV-Regularisierung von rotationswertigen Daten
bachelor thesisR. HielscherOptimization of Composite Bézier Curves on Riemannian Manifolds
bachelor thesisAn Alternating Gradient Descent Method for Geodesic Regression on symmetric Riemannian manifolds
bachelor thesisCongruence classes of anisotropic patterns on the torus and application in the FFT-based homogenization
bachelor thesisD. Merkert, B. Simeon, and G. SteidlSegmentation of Manifold-valued images
bachelor thesisG. SteidlAnisotropic Structures and Sampling Patterns for the FFT-based Numerical Homogenization
bachelor thesisD. Merkert, B. Simeon, and G. SteidlUnsupervised Co-Segmentation with Histogram Priors
bachelor thesisG. SteidlEntropy Regularized Wasserstein Distances and an Application in Image Segmentation
bachelor thesisG. SteidlDirectional Information via Structure Tensors
bachelor thesisG. SteidlMultivariate anisotrope Dirichlet-Wavelets zur Kantendetektion auf dem Torus
bachelor thesisJ. PrestinDie multivariate periodische Fourier- und Wavelet-Transformation auf anisotropen Mustern
bachelor thesisJ. Prestinsee TMA4500 Specialization Project, Ind Mat.
Riemannian Optimization using second order Information on the Symplectic Stiefel manifold
specialisation projectThe Manifold Proximal Gradient Algorithm
specialisation projectDerivative-free Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
specialisation projectConvolutional Neural Network Layers Equivariant Under Affine Lie Group Actions
specialisation projectManifold-Valued Graph Learning and Embedding Graphs
specialisation projectC. von Tychowicz, and M. HanikLow Rank Matrix Completion
specialisation projectThe Multivariate Fast Fourier Transform on the Pattern
specialisation projectConvolutions on Manifolds for Deep Learning
specialisation projectOptimization on the symplectic and the symplectic Stiefel manifold
specialisation project The code is available at within Manifolds.jl, see The symplectic Manifold and the The symplectic Stiefel Manifold.Bézier curves in Riemannian manifolds
student projectSemantic Segmentation using Fully Convolutional Networks
student projectA. MoghisehSegmentation of Colour Images Using a Regularised Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
student projectLösung der statischen Wärmeleitungsgleichung in der Homogenisierung auf anisotropen Gittern
student projectD. MerkertAn Algorithm for Image Segmentation based on Optimal Transport Distances
student projectG. Steidl
This work by Ronny Bergmann
is licensed under
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Last modified: February 21, 2025.
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